State Action Map
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The CurriculumHQ map provides a snapshot of state action by highlighting publicly available answers to questions across four categories: Curriculum Resources, Adoption Guidance & Tools, Professional Learning, and Data. To learn more about our categories, click here.
Click on the map below to explore how states and districts are using high-quality learning materials to improve education. For detailed curriculum reviews, check out EdReports.Org.
Curriculum Resources
Alabama reviews and approves lists of instructional materials for each subject area, many of which are rated green on EdReports.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Alabama provides curriculum and/or instructional guides for teachers in core content areas. Additionally, the state provides extensive instructional support through the Alabama Literacy Act and the Alabama Numeracy Act.
Learn MoreAlabama does not yet include information on high-quality professional learning on its website.
Alabama does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
The availability of recommended materials and adoption guidance varies by subject area in Kansas. There is a materials evaluation tool for science, and a resource adoption guide for ELA.
Adoption Guidance & Tools
The state offers an Instructional Practice Guide in ELA and implementation guidance in science.
Kansas does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
Michigan does not review or recommend curriculum, but it does provide links to curriculum clearinghouses and rubrics to evaluate ELA instructional materials in accordance with the state’s Read by Grade Three Law.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
While not explicitly focused on high-quality materials, Michigan offers a few subject-specific resources to help educators implement standards-aligned curriculum and instruction. Additionally, the state’s 2023-2024 School Aid Bill provides funding to support math teaching and learning through different initiatives, including the purchasing and implementation of high-quality math instructional materials for K-5 schools.
Learn MoreWhile not explicitly focused on curriculum-based professional learning, the Promising Practices Exchange is a repository for educators to share practices that demonstrate improved outcomes for learners aligned to Michigan’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan goals.
The MSU Education Policy Innovation Collaborative released a report cataloging the ELA curriculum resources in use throughout the state as part of its research on implementation of the Read by Grade Three law.
Curriculum Resources
The Virginia Board of Education approves textbooks for use in Virginia’s public schools, some of which are rated green on EdReports, though local school boards may adopt textbooks that are not on the state list provided the local board selects the textbooks in accordance with state regulations. In ELA, new Science of Reading legislation requires the state to recommend high-quality programs grounded in science-based reading research.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Virginia provides extensive resources on standards alignment on each academic subject’s web page, some of which focus explicitly on high-quality materials identification and implementation (like for math). The state also offers instructional program guides for supplemental and intervention literacy resources.
Learn MoreVirginia does not yet include information on high-quality professional learning on its website. However, some of its subject web pages offer subject-specific professional learning resources. Additionally, in reading, the new Science of Reading legislation states that all teachers will receive pre-service preparation or training on evidence-based literacy instruction.
Virginia does not currently share any data about high-quality curriculum usage or aligned professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
Maine does not review or recommend curriculum to districts. However, some content areas list instructional resources, some of which are high-quality. It also explains the importance of high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction for grades Pre-K to 3 as part of the Literacy for ME initiative.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Maine does not currently offer guidance for its districts on adopting high-quality instructional materials.
MOOSE states that it is “known for its quality professional development”, though the standards for these professional development opportunities is not clear.
Maine does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
The California Department of Education does review instructional materials for some subject areas, many of which have received a green rating from EdReports, but many lists have not been updated in recent years..
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
California provides thorough guidance for local instructional materials adoption (Click on “Guidelines for Local Instructional Materials Adoption”).
Learn MoreCalifornia’s Quality Professional Learning Standards identifies characteristics of effective professional learning, and the web page includes resources for assessing professional learning programs. The state also provides extensive professional learning opportunities on early literacy.
Learn MoreData
Curriculum Resources
Minnesota provides information on content standards by subject area, but it does not review or recommend materials to educators. The state is in the process of identifying a list of evidence-based literacy curricula to recommend to districts in accordance with its READ Act.
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Minnesota offers webinar recordings on the relationship between educators, standards, and curriculum, and on the concept of bundling benchmarks to teach all standards to students.
Districts must provide access to state-approved training on evidence-based reading instruction to certain staff in accordance with the READ Act.
Minnesota does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
Missouri reviews and recommends ELA materials aligned to the science of reading. The state does not review or recommend curriculum in the other subjects.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Missouri provides a document on considerations for developing curriculum, but it does not share how to ensure curriculum is high-quality.
Learn MoreThe state does not yet provide information on high-quality professional learning opportunities on its website. However, it plans to offer high-quality instruction on the science of reading to K-3 classroom teachers as part of the Missouri Read, Lead, Exceed initiative.
Missouri does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
Pennsylvania’s Standards Aligned System (SAS) provides curriculum resources by content area and a Voluntary Model Curriculum, but does not provide information on whether materials are high quality.
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Though the focus is not specifically on identifying high quality materials, SAS provides Curriculum Frameworks to help educators choose curriculum that aligns to the state’s academic standards.
Educators can join professional learning communities (PLCs) through its Standards Aligned System (SAS). Additionally, the state provides structured literacy instruction for all Pennsylvania educators.
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Curriculum Resources
While districts are not required to adopt state-recommended materials, Idaho reviews and recommends instructional materials in nearly every academic subject.
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Idaho lists several guides and tools for selecting instructional materials (look under Links, General Information), some of which focus on high-quality materials, such as EdReports and SETDA’s Guide to Quality Instructional Materials.
Learn MoreIdaho hosts Professional Learning Communities for educators to learn from each other.
Learn MoreData
Idaho does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
Vermont does not provide a repository of curriculum resources; however, the state implements a Coordinated Curriculum, a model in which the curriculum used is vetted for six different attributes, including high-quality instructional materials.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Vermont provides guidance on choosing high-quality priority instructional content for each subject area (click on the subject and scroll to Resources). Additionally, the state published information on how Coordinated Curriculum is adopted and implemented across schools in Vermont.
Learn MoreVermont’s Professional Learning Network is dedicated to providing “high-quality professional learning that spans the continuum of an educator’s career.”
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New York
Curriculum Resources
Curriculum is determined by individual districts and the state recently ended its support for EngageNY (although archived curriculum files can still be found here, some of which are rated green by EdReports). The state also offers some context-specific resources, such as a rubric for K-3 literacy curriculum.
Adoption Guidance & Tools
While New York does not explicitly focus on high-quality materials, the state provides guides for aligning local curricula to its Next Generation Learning Standards in English and math.
New York provides various guidance and toolkits to help districts design effective professional learning, including the State Professional Learning Standards, which are designed to “provide a blueprint for high-quality professional development”.
Learn MoreData
New York does not currently share any data about high-quality curriculum usage or aligned professional learning among districts.
Curriculum Resources
Indiana recently published advisory lists of high-quality instructional materials in K-5 Reading and Early Learning, and plans to publish lists for other grade levels and subjects. The state also shares curriculum evaluation rubrics for each subject area.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Indiana provides a list of resources to learn more about the science of reading.
Learn MoreThe INLearning Partnership supports the IN Learning Lab, a hub of “relevant, engaging, and actionable” professional learning resources for teachers and administrators.
Indiana does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
South Dakota
Curriculum Resources
South Dakota’s state landing page does not identify a current high-quality materials review process.
Adoption Guidance & Tools
South Dakota provides an Instructional Materials Selection Guide to assist districts in identifying instructional resources through a data-driven decision-making process that emphasizes alignment to standards and references ratings like EdReports.
Learn MoreWhile South Dakota does not yet include information on high-quality professional learning for all subjects on its website, it does offer a series of trainings on teaching the foundations of literacy.
Learn MoreData
Curriculum Resources
While not explicitly focused on high quality materials, many of the state-approved curricula from the 2021 Curriculum Review are reviewed and rated (in many cases, green!) by EdReports. Montana also offers resources for each academic subject on its content pages, some of which are reviewed and rated highly on EdReports.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Montana’s criteria for selecting instructional materials suggests reviewing reports from evidence-based research sources such as EdReports. The state offers subject-specific adoption guidance on its content pages, as well as guidance on selecting instructional materials that incorporate acceleration and on evaluating American Indian materials and resources.
Learn MoreMontana’s Teacher Learning Hub provides high quality professional learning for the state’s educators.
Learn MoreData
Montana does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
North Dakota
Curriculum Resources
North Dakota does not review or recommend curriculum for districts and schools for adoption, but it does provide resources on the science of reading, including literacy curriculum guidance.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
While North Dakota does not offer guidance on selecting and implementing high-quality instructional materials for all subjects, it does offer many resources on implementing the science of reading.
Learn MoreNorth Dakota promotes and offers high-quality professional development to enhance teacher efficacy and experience in the classroom. The state also offers a webinar series on Reading Curriculum and Professional Development.
Learn MoreData
Curriculum Resources
Although Hawaii has not updated its list of approved curricula since 2013, many of the state-approved programs are reviewed and rated highly by EdReports. Schools in Hawaii must implement the state-approved curriculum or formally request to use another program.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Hawaii offers guidance to districts on aligning curriculum and instruction to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Learn MoreHawaii does not yet include information on high quality professional learning on its website.
Hawaii does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
The Arkansas Initiative for Instructional Materials (AIIM) provides high-quality instructional resources in ELA, Math, and Science.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The state offers multiple tools and resources to help educators through the adoption process, such as the Building Pathways to HQIM guidebook and the Making the Case Toolkit.
Learn MoreArkansas includes professional learning in its Five Key Priorities of its instructional materials strategy. Resources such as the Arkansas Professional Learning Partner Guide (AR PLPG) can be found on its professional development website.
Learn MoreData
As an IMPD state, data on curriculum use in Arkansas’ districts maintains records of curriculum usage.
West Virginia
Curriculum Resources
West Virginia no longer compiles an official list of approved vendors for instructional resources for district selection. However, the state conducts reviews to recommend curricular resources, many of which are rated highly on EdReports.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
While not explicitly focused on high-quality materials, West Virginia provides a County Instructional Resources Adoption Policy Template.
Learn MoreA state report called Professional Learning Reimagined includes guidance for creating and implementing high-quality professional learning.
Curriculum Resources
Utah provides a large hub of reviewed and recommended curriculum resources on its Recommended Instructional Materials System (RIMS) searchable database. Some of the programs listed by the state are rated green on EdReports.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The “LEA Resources” tab provides guidance for districts to create policy for curriculum review, including examples from Utah districts with strong curriculum review processes. The “Rubrics and CACTUS” tab contains rubrics for evaluating math and reading materials.
Learn MoreThe Utah Professional Learning Standards Toolkit offers supports for implementing “research-based effective professional learning standards.”
Learn MoreData
Utah does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
South Carolina
Curriculum Resources
South Carolina provides information on state requirements for instructional materials, including annual lists of adopted core and supplemental instructional materials, some of which are rated green on EdReports.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The state provides an overview of its instructional materials adoption program, which includes the Instructional Materials Caravan that “gives school and district staff the opportunity to learn about new materials through presentations by publishers.”
While South Carolina does not offer robust high-quality professional learning opportunities, the state’s Instruction Hub is “embarking on a journey to provide more resources for lesson planning, student learning, exemplary teaching strategies and professional opportunities.”
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New Jersey
Curriculum Resources
New Jersey provides resources such as model curriculum and curriculum frameworks on its website. It is in the process of developing an online resource center to help districts select evidence-based literacy materials in accordance with a new state law.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
New Jersey provides information for educators and leaders on learning acceleration approaches and promising practices, including specific information on improving “equitable access to grade level content and high-quality resources for each student.”
Learn MoreNew Jersey lists standards and guidance for “high quality, relevant and timely professional learning experiences” on its website. Additionally, the state will offer training and coaching in the science of reading to all teachers who teach literacy in response to a new state law.
Learn MoreData
New Jersey lists standards and guidance for “high quality, relevant and timely professional learning experiences” on its website.
Curriculum Resources
Iowa does not review or recommend instructional materials to educators.
Adoption Guidance & Tools
While the state does not offer guidance to districts on selecting or implementing high-quality instructional materials, it does provide key design considerations for instruction aligned to the science of reading.
While the state does not directly provide high-quality professional learning opportunities on its website, it does share links to professional learning on each content page, some of which is curriculum-aligned.
Learn MoreData
Iowa does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
Washington supports the #GoOpen Washington OER cohort, which provides instructional materials for free that are reviewed to ensure alignment with the Washington Learning Standards.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The state offers extensive resources to help districts adopt and implement high-quality materials.
Learn MoreWashington does not yet include information on high-quality professional learning on its website.
Curriculum Resources
Oregon provides information on state-approved instructional materials, all rated by EdReports, as well as an Importance of High-Quality Instructional Materials report. Oregon also supports the #GoOpen Oregon OER cohort, which provides reviewed instructional materials for free.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Oregon provides extensive information on adoption criteria for high-quality instructional materials. The state also provides a Digital Instructional Materials Toolkit for educators and districts adopting digital instructional materials.
Learn MoreOregon does not currently have any information about high-quality professional learning on its website.
Curriculum Resources
Wyoming does not have an explicit focus on high-quality instructional materials. However, it does provide resources through Open Range Wyoming, the state’s OER Commons hub, which prioritizes “creating and sharing high-quality units, lessons, and resources that have been aligned to current Wyoming State Content Standards”, some of which are rated green by EdReports.
Adoption Guidance & Tools
Wyoming provides a K-3 Literacy Guidance Framework that includes information on how districts should select evidence-based resources in accordance with state law.
Wyoming does not yet offer robust high-quality professional development opportunities for its educators in all subjects, but it provides high-quality literacy professional development such as LETRS.
Learn MoreData
Districts in Wyoming can participate in the state’s optional curriculum transparency initiative to share the primary resources used in the district.
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Curriculum Resources
Kentucky does not review and recommend materials, but does offer a suite of resources for districts to evaluate curricula on their own and identify high-quality materials by content area.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Kentucky provides resources for instructional alignment across subject areas and grades, as well as a Model Curriculum Framework to guide schools and districts in implementing best practices, including using high-quality instructional materials.
Learn MoreKentucky offers extensive information on the characteristics of high-quality professional learning and opportunities by content area.
Learn MoreData
Curriculum Resources
While not explicitly high-quality, Florida provides lists of adopted instructional materials, information about the policies and procedures guiding the state’s review process, and a schedule of when each content area list will be updated.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Florida provides rubrics for educators to ensure ELA materials are aligned to the science of reading. Instructional support for various other subjects is found in the content area pages.
Learn MoreFlorida provides guidance on high-quality professional learning standards and indicators. Additionally, Just Read, Florida! is a statewide initiative that offers high-quality professional learning in ELA.
Learn MoreData
Florida does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
North Carolina
Curriculum Resources
Although schools can choose any curricular materials, the State Board of Education annually evaluates and adopts textbooks, some of which are rated on EdReports. The state also supports the #GoOpen North Carolina OER cohort and partners with to improve digital literacy throughout the state.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
North Carolina’s Literacy Instruction Standards Toolkit (LIST) is a resource repository with guidance for administrators, educators, and parents during the implementation of the Literacy Instruction Standards.
Learn MoreNorth Carolina offers many virtual professional development courses for educators through the North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS), including subject-specific training on instructional materials and strategies.
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Curriculum Resources
Maryland is in the process of implementing a high-quality materials review process, which will consist of Maryland teacher teams conducting reviews of EdReports rated materials based on the Maryland HQIM Selection Framework. Until then, the state shares reviews of curriculum from EdReports.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Maryland does not currently offer guidance for schools or districts in adopting and implementing high-quality instructional materials.
Maryland does not currently offer high-quality professional learning for teachers, but such programs are included in its Strategic Plan.
Maryland provides data on how many districts use high-quality ELA and math curriculum (scroll to page 8). Maryland recently joined the IMPD Network, so it was not included in studies by RAND and CCSSO.
Curriculum Resources
Nevada reviews and recommends instructional materials for many subjects. Lists of state-approved instructional materials by subject are found on the right side of the page; some are rated green on EdReports.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Nevada provides information on the adoption process and resources to assist educators in selecting instructional materials, such as an adoption checklist and evaluation forms.
Learn MoreNevada encourages educators to access the Smarter Balanced Tools for Teachers platform, “an online collection of high-quality instructional and professional learning resources contributed by educators for education.”
Learn MoreData
Nevada does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
While Georgia provides high-level information on curricular resources, a 2016 law ended the state’s instructional materials review. The state provides a list of recommended high-quality materials for K-3 literacy. Additionally, provides standards and some resources by content area.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The state provides content area frameworks for each content area to support teachers in implementing the Georgia Performance Standards. It has also created a Literacy Guidance Rubric for Vetting Supplemental Instructional Resources.
Learn MoreGeorgia’s Professional Learning Resources for Teachers and Leaders emphasizes “high-quality professional learning that is job-embedded, collaborative, and focused.”
Learn MoreData
Georgia does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
Illinois does not review or endorse instructional materials.
Adoption Guidance & Tools
Illinois provides a series of webinars on its Curriculum Evaluation Tool, which districts can use to select and improve high-quality instructional materials. Additionally, the state offers a Local Literacy Plan Template for districts to develop tailored literacy strategies.
Learn MoreWhile not explicitly high-quality, Illinois offers many subject-specific professional learning opportunities.
Learn MoreData
Illinois is conducting a statewide survey to understand the professional learning, curriculum and resources, and assessment and support tools that are currently useful to the field of literacy education.
Curriculum Resources
Arizona does not review or recommend curricular materials for all subjects, but it does provide links to evidence-based practices and clearinghouses that review curricula. The state reviews and recommends evidence-based literacy curriculum annually (click on “Move on When Reading Program and Intervention Guidance”).
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
While not explicitly focused on high-quality materials, Arizona offers some resources on selecting evidence-based instructional materials.
Learn MoreArizona does not yet offer robust high-quality professional learning opportunities on its website, but does offer many professional learning resources related to the science of reading.
Arizona does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
Colorado offers curriculum support resources and sample curriculum by subject (click on your subject and scroll to Curriculum Support), some of which are rated highly on EdReports. Additionally, Colorado’s READ Act requires schools to use literacy programs based in the science of reading from an approved list.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Colorado provides information and resources for selecting and implementing evidence-based instructional materials on some of its subject area pages.
Learn MoreCO offers a suite of resources to help teachers use high-impact instructional practices. Lesson samples by content area can be found at the bottom of the page. In addition, legislation requires elementary principals and teachers of grades 4-12 who work with struggling readers to complete training on reading instruction by August 2024. All teachers of grades K-3 were already required to do so by August 2022.
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Curriculum Resources
Alaska provides reviews of evidence-based literacy curriculum to districts, most of which are rated highly on EdReports.
Adoption Guidance & Tools
Alaska shares rubrics for evaluating high-quality math materials.
Alaska provides high-quality professional learning services related to the science of reading.
Learn MoreData
Alaska tracks the math curriculum used in each district, along with how the curriculum is rated by EdReports (click on the Instructional Resources tab and download the spreadsheet titled “Math Instructional Materials District Review EdReports and LA Ratings”).
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Curriculum Resources
Connecticut has approved K-3 reading curricula grounded in the science of reading for use by school districts through the 2026-2027 school year. Although the state does not review and recommend curricula in other subjects, it does provide model curricula in math, science, and reading.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The state’s guides for implementing new curriculum and supplemental materials help district and school leaders ensure that their materials are high quality. Connecticut also provides additional subject-specific tools for evaluating materials in reading and science.
Connecticut offers extensive guidance on the elements of a high-quality professional learning system. The state also shares high-quality professional learning opportunities for reading and science instruction.
Learn MoreData
Connecticut does not currently share any data about high-quality material usage or professional learning among its districts.
Curriculum Resources
Oklahoma provides comprehensive information on high-quality instructional maerials, including materials reviews in multiple subjects, many of which are rated green on EdReports. It also provides free, high-quality, reviewed open educational resources in multiple subjects.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The state offers supports for districts adopting high-quality instructional materials, including textbook review committee opportunities and links to external resources to improve the local review process.
Learn MoreWhile Oklahoma does not require high-quality professional learning in all subjects, it does offer Science of Reading Academies to educators who work with K-3 students.
Learn MoreData
Oklahoma surveyed its educators to learn more about their needs and priorities and better align its professional learning opportunities.
Curriculum Resources
Wisconsin encourages districts to use resources like EdReports and Achieve the Core to identify high-quality instructional materials.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Wisconsin shares resources from Instruction Partners to guide districts in adopting and implementing high-quality materials.
Learn MoreWisconsin provides multiple resources for high-quality professional learning, including lists of professional learning options for each state-approved curriculum package (starting on page 10).
Learn MoreData
Wisconsin keeps a map detailing the curricula used in various districts. Additionally, as an IMPD state, RAND and CCSSO have studied Wisconsin teachers’ perceptions of adopted curriculum and the state’s approach to curriculum adoption.
Curriculum Resources
Delaware provides lists of high-quality instructional materials for English and math, as well as Digital DE, a hub for high-quality instructional materials and educator tools.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Delaware lists resources for districts to choose and implement high-quality instructional materials, as well as resources for instructional planning around those materials.
Learn MoreDelaware offers a suite of professional learning materials for leaders and educators, including a detailed plan for implementing high-quality professional learning and resources on Digital DE like the Online Vendor Guide.
Learn MoreData
As an IMPD state, RAND and CCSSO have studied Delaware teachers’ perceptions of adopted curriculum and the state’s approach to curriculum adoption.
Curriculum Resources
Texas offers comprehensive curriculum resources, including the Effective Schools Framework, which prioritizes high-quality materials; the Texas Resource Review; lists of available instructional materials; and general information on materials.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The state provides information on the adoption process and implementation on the state and local levels, including grants to districts for technical assistance to develop strong instructional frameworks. Additionally, the Effective Schools Framework details what it means for districts to implement high-quality instructional materials and assessments.
Learn MoreTexas Instructional Leadership is a professional learning program for school and district leaders to build the capacity of their educators. The state also provides grants to districts for technical assistance to support high-quality professional learning through the Strong Foundation Grants.
As an IMPD state, RAND and CCSSO have studied Texas teachers’ perceptions of adopted curriculum and the state’s approach to curriculum adoption.
Curriculum Resources
Massachusetts provides comprehensive resources on evaluating, selecting, and implementing quality materials – including CURATE, teacher-led reviews with exemplar materials.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
Implement MA is “a four phase process to prepare for, select, launch, and implement new high-quality instructional materials”.
Learn MoreThe state provides a collection of resources to support high-quality professional learning, including a four-step cycle to help district and school leaders to design and implement high-quality opportunities.
Learn MoreData
Massachusetts tracks the curricula used in schools and districts for K-8 ELA, K-12 math, and 6-8 science. Additionally, as an IMPD state, RAND and CCSSO have studied Massachusetts teachers’ perceptions of adopted curriculum and the state’s approach to curriculum adoption.
Rhode Island
Curriculum Resources
Rhode Island provides comprehensive resources to help districts select curricula, including lists of approved instructional materials.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The state offers extensive resources for adopting and implementing high-quality materials, including webinars and infographics explaining the importance of these materials.
Learn MoreRhode Island utilizes multiple resources to share high-quality, curriculum-based professional learning opportunities.
Learn MoreData
Rhode Island keeps a map detailing the curricula used in various districts and, as an IMPD state, multiple research organizations have studied teacher perceptions of adopted curriculum and RI’s approach to curriculum adoption.
Curriculum Resources
Tennessee reviews and recommends textbooks and instructional materials to assist local adoption committees in selecting the best programs for their students (most of which are rated green on EdReports).
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Tennessee provides information on the state textbook review, approval, and adoption process. Additionally, the Tennessee State Collaborative for Reforming Education (SCORE) has issued guidance for the implementation of high-quality materials in a set of leading districts.
Learn MoreThe state provides rubrics for districts to design and deliver high-quality professional learning, as well as links to data for districts to make evidence-based decisions on professional learning.
Learn MoreData
Tennessee administers an annual Educator Survey that includes teacher perceptions on curricular materials and professional development. Additionally, as an IMPD state, RAND and CCSSO have studied Tennessee teachers’ perceptions of adopted curriculum and the state’s approach to curriculum adoption.
Curriculum Resources
Louisiana provides a warehouse of state-reviewed instructional materials across grade levels and subjects, as well as a weekly report of materials in review.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The state offers extensive support for choosing instructional materials.
Learn MoreLouisiana provides vetted vendor options for professional development focused on implementation and ongoing coaching.
Learn MoreData
As an IMPD state, RAND and CCSSO have studied Louisiana teachers’ perceptions of adopted curriculum and the state’s approach to curriculum adoption.
New Hampshire
Curriculum Resources
New Hampshire partners with Discovery Education to provide quality materials to all schools.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
While not explicitly high quality, New Hampshire provides adoption guidance materials such as rubrics to evaluate OER materials and case studies and an implementation guide for digital learning (under ‘Online Resources’). Discovery also provides implementation toolkits for its different programs.
Learn MoreDiscovery Education provides professional learning resources to teachers.
Learn MoreData
The 603 Bright Future Annual Survey is a statewide survey of parents, educators, and community members. Question topics for educators include professional learning, resources, feedback and coaching, and more.
New Mexico
Curriculum Resources
New Mexico provides many resources for districts to choose high-quality instructional materials. Scroll down to the “Adopted Multiple List-All Subjects” link to download a spreadsheet with extensive details on the state-reviewed curriculum, or find specific curriculum reviews on the HQIM Reviews website.
Learn MoreAdoption Guidance & Tools
The HQIM Implementation Hub provides resources for districts, schools, coaches, and teachers based on three phases of instructional materials implementation.
As an IMPD state, RAND and CCSSO have studied New Mexico teachers’ perceptions of adopted curriculum and the state’s approach to curriculum adoption.
Curriculum Resources
Mississippi offers a warehouse of instructional materials reviewed and approved by Mississippi teachers, school districts, and the state.
Learn MoreThe state provides a framework for districts to navigate identification and implementation of high-quality instructional materials, including rubrics for assessing materials.
Learn MoreMississippi shares multiple resources for teachers and districts that support their professional growth.
Learn MoreData
As an IMPD state, RAND and CCSSO have studied Mississippi teachers’ perceptions of adopted curriculum and the state’s approach to curriculum adoption.
Curriculum Resources
The Nebraska Instructional Materials Collaborative shares EdReports-reviewed instructional materials.
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Nebraska provides many resources to guide curriculum selection and adoption, including a step-by-step guide for districts to undergo a curriculum selection process.
Learn MoreProfessional Learning
Nebraska provides numerous resources for teachers and leaders around high-quality instructional materials, from communication to implementation. The state has also shared recordings of a series of learning sessions on “content-specific knowledge and skills related to remote instruction, essential instructional content, and instructional considerations” to support acceleration efforts.
Learn MoreData
Nebraska published a map of the ELA, math, and science curricula used in its districts in the 2019-2020 academic year. Additionally, as an IMPD state, RAND and CCSSO have studied Nebraska teachers’ perceptions of adopted curriculum and the state’s approach to curriculum adoption.
Curriculum Resources
The Ohio Materials Matter Review provides reviewed, high-quality instructional materials to help districts select their curricula in collaboration with EdReports. Districts must adopt ELA curricula from an approved list based in the science of reading.
Adoption Guidance & Tools
Ohio offers model curricula in each subject area to help teachers develop local curricula and instructional plans, as well as resources for school leaders on implementing literacy instruction aligned to the science of reading. The state also partnered with Instruction Partners to develop the Ohio Curriculum Support Guide, which supports district and school leaders with curriculum adoption and implementation.
Learn MoreProfessional Learning
Ohio supports teacher’s professional growth through its partnership with Learning Forward and a full calendar of webinars on high-quality instructional materials. As part of its science of reading initiative, the state also required all teachers and administrators to complete a professional learning course.
Learn MoreData
As part of its science of reading initiative, Ohio surveyed its districts to understand which ELA materials were in use around the state. Additionally, as an IMPD state, RAND and CCSSO have studied Ohio teachers’ perceptions of adopted curriculum and the state’s approach to curriculum adoption.
The research that informs the CurriculumHQ map is a scan of publicly available information and thus is not exhaustive. We regularly review each state education agency’s website as well as known state advocacy and community organizations for information on high-quality materials, curriculum-based professional learning, and data on high-quality materials usage. We are aware that some states are undertaking work in this space that is not published on their website, and therefore cannot be included in the map. If you are aware of efforts happening in your state that are not reflected in the map, please reach out to so we can highlight this work.