State Action Map

How does my state encourage the
use of high-quality instructional materials?

The CurriculumHQ map provides a snapshot of state action by highlighting publicly available answers to questions across four categories: Curriculum Resources, Adoption Guidance & Tools, Professional Learning, and Data. To learn more about our categories, click here.

Click on the map below to explore how states and districts are using high-quality learning materials to improve education. For detailed curriculum reviews, check out EdReports.Org. 


The research that informs the CurriculumHQ map is a scan of publicly available information and thus is not exhaustive. We regularly review each state education agency’s website as well as known state advocacy and community organizations for information on high-quality materials, curriculum-based professional learning, and data on high-quality materials usage. We are aware that some states are undertaking work in this space that is not published on their website, and therefore cannot be included in the map. If you are aware of efforts happening in your state that are not reflected in the map, please reach out to so we can highlight this work.